May 17th Reopening Guidelines


PHBC TEMPORARY Guidelines for Resuming Worship Services

As we have been praying and discussing the best way to resume worship services, the Deacons and Staff are proposing that we proceed with a phasing-in approach to what we would see and define as normal worship services.  Please know that these are temporary procedures that can be changed, removed, and modified as we work together to seek God’s guidance in how we assemble to continue the mission of Pilgrim Home Baptist Church.

1.       To utilize proper distancing and spacing, we will have a 9:00 am service and an 11:00 am worship service.  For a time determined by the staff and deacons, we will have no Sunday School or Sunday night services.  No Wednesday night services are planned at this time.  We are asking that families and small groups pray in your home from 6 until 6 :45 pm.  on Wednesday evenings.

9:00 am Service - If you are in Dewayne Anderson’s Adult V Sunday School Class or Kay Driskell’s Adult IV Sunday School Class, we are asking you to attend the 9:00 am service.  If you have not been attending Sunday School and you are above 60 years of age, we are requesting that you attend the 9:00 am service.

11:00 am Service - If you are attending any other Sunday School Class, you will be asked to attend the 11:00 am service.  If you have not been attending Sunday School and you are below 60 years of age, we are requesting that you attend the 11:00 am service.

2.       Our Safety Team and Ushers will be seating our people as they enter the building to insure proper spacing.  We will also be ushering our people to the proper exits when the worship service is over.  Entrance/exit doors will include the front doors, east & west side hall doors, and the awning door.  The remaining doors will be locked.

3.       We will have Dewayne Anderson’s classroom and the fellowship hall available for additional space for those that might be more comfortable watching/listening to the service on a monitor screen.  Those rooms will be available for both services and monitored for proper spacing.

4.       Adult choir practice will tentatively begin Wednesday July 15th.  Youth and children’s Choirs will resume tentatively Sunday night, August 2nd.   WMU & Brotherhood will also tentatively resume on August 5th.  

5.      For a period determined by the Staff and Deacons, we will have no Children’s Church.  All children are invited to the 11:00 am worship service.  Parents that may feel more comfortable may sit with their children in the rooms designated as overflow (Dewayne Anderson’s Sunday School classroom or the Fellowship Hall) to view the 11:00 am worship service.  All children, 6th grade and under, must always be accompanied by an adult.

6.      We ask that everyone refrain from normal expressions of greetings such as handshakes, neck hugs, etc.  Please maintain the 6’ distancing rule as much as possible.    You are encouraged to wear a mask if it makes you more comfortable.  We will have a limited number available if you do not have one.  We are in the process of sterilizing our building by wiping down all classrooms, door knobs, handles and spraying pews and chairs with disinfectants.  This will be done after each worship service to ensure the safety of those that attend our services.

7.      Offering plates/boxes will be placed at each designated entrance/exit door to provide a means whereby our members/visitors may continue to give.

8.      We have ordered “touchless” thermometers & if received in time, we will be taking everyone’s temperature as you enter the building.  If you register a temperature, please help keep everyone safe by returning to your home.

9.      We are also in the process of improving our online capabilities to stream our worship service as well as our Facebook page.

10.  If you meet any of the following symptoms, please do not put our members at risk by attending services.

a.      Have you been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19?

b.      Are you experiencing a cough, shortness of breath or sore throat?

c.       Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?

d.      Have you experienced new loss of taste or smell?

e.      Have you experienced vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?